

You can call the tucunaré, a Brazilian fish native to the fresh waters of the Amazon basin, a peacock bass if you wish, but according to Wikipedia, although the fish IS known in English as the peacock bass, it isn't a bass at all, rather it's a chiclid. Since the first humans to baptize the fish and give it a name were the native indian tribes of the Amazon, the fish's original name is clearly tucunaré, which means "friend of the trees" in Tupi-Guarani. Only at some later date was the fish given a name in English, and then it was given the wrong one, though admittedly the name peacock bass has a nicer ring to it than peacock cichlid, which sounds more like the name for a baby peacock.


The bicuda/argulha (Boulengerella maculata) is an aggressive, fresh water fish known for being part of the glamor species. It can reach sizes of over 15-pounds and is a powerful, acrobatic fighter. Once hooked, they launch themselves into the air, rattling their gills and throwing hooks in a fashion that would make a tarpon jealous.


Among the most pursued of the giants is the brutish Jau . A heavy bodied linebacker of a fish, the Jau is surprisingly mobile (it is a common migrator) and agile (wait till you've got one on the end of your rod). These bareknuckle fighters have been estimated to exceed 200 lbs. and will wear the arms off of even the most determined anglers. They are experts at utilizing current and will lead anglers on a merry chase through rapids and waterfalls before giving you the satisfaction of bringing them to the boat.

Pousada Mantega - Amazônia - Brasil
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